Providing comprehensive need assessment of commercial, industrial, institutional, and large multi-family, high rise real-estate.
Forensic Event Evaluation

If anyone thinks this just happens on its own, with no changes in condition of switch gear, connected load or location think again. This major failure was created by a combination of weather conditions complicated by other recently installed equipment, adjacent site work, creating the near perfect storm. Also adversely effecting other adjacent high efficiency mechanical equipment.
Date of Report: September 28, 2021
October 1, 2021 R1.1 Commission ID RFQ # 2109255-FER-Q
Commercial Industrial Property Evaluation:
Crossings Industrial Owner LLC (REIT)
15 Jackson Road
Camber Real Estate Partners, LLP Asset Managers
New Jersey 07512
5000 Lincoln Drive (Evesham Corporate Center)
Marlton-East (Evesham Township), NJ 08053-1562
Burlington County, Marlton, Evesham Township
Date of Field Evaluation:
Day One, 10:35 ~ 14:10 hrs. 9/20/21, M/Sunny 83°
Day Two 10:00 ~ 15:40 hrs. 9/09/21, M/Sunny 85°
Day Three 10:00 ~ 15:30 hrs. 9/10/21, P/Cloudy 80°
Property Tax ID # 3636605 GIS Pin 0313_2002_5
Lot # 5 Block # 2.02 Book 13052 Page-4053
U & O of Property: General Administration Offices + Lite Assembly-Manufacturing + Warehousing + Distribution (Zoned Lite Industrial)
Type of Construction: 95,100 sq. ft. industrial building erected on or about 1980-81, consists of super structural steel superstructure frame, columns, sub-framing is lightweight steel clips holding the upper vertical metal siding. The lower curtain walls are 96” H x 8” White fluted face CMU masonry. The approximately 16’ H elevation office area currently consists of approximately 15,300 sq. ft. of the entire lease space area. A structural steel superstructure OWBJ flat roof with poured in place, earth berm concrete perimeter wall construction, with fluted CMU veneer, with high perimeter semi-functional fenestration.
Unlimited General Conditions Summary Version
Based on best potential risk, practices, and good standards protocol criteria.
- Physical Asset Life Cycle
b. Physical Asset Potential
c. Economic Life
d. Remaining Economic Life
e. Actual Age
f. Estimated Effective Age Factor
g. Current Mark to Market Value Costs
h. Environmental Implications, Permanent Co2 Emissions Reduction
i. Health-Industrial Hygiene, Safety-Liability, IEQ, IAQ, OSHA
j. Applicable Existing Building Codes, Energy, Life Safety, IBC, FM
k. Fixed Reoccurring Operational Expenses (FROE) Reduction Considerations
General Description:
Warehouse is a structural steel building, at approximately 282 x 283=79,806 sq. ft… Lower Elevation at docks 24’, Back of lower section 26’-5”; Upper rear high storage area 37’-8” on average to bottom of superstructure steel. The lowest points being at the front and rear walls. The lower elevation flat roof is pitched 2’-5” towards the loading docks traveling approximately 201 LF. At the higher elevation flat roof 81 LF to the rear of the structure. Draining into several 8” roof scupper boxes, to 6” roof drain conductors, discharging the run-off water directly on-grade. The office section is conventional masonry and structural steel construction, at approximately 15,300 sq. ft., attached at one point along the northeastern corner of the lower elevation of the warehouse. Elevation of the office building is approximately 15’ H. With a flat roof pitched to the front, street side of the site. Equipped with (4)-4” recessed roof scupper drains, draining directly on grade.
Fire Protection:
Automatic zoned fire sprinkler coverage design is based on hydraulic calculations. original building plans dated, 1979 classified risk as ordinary group # 11, density 2. Equipped with a typical small, Fairbanks-Morse-Colt fire system 3-H.P. electric jockey pump. Fairbanks-Morse-Colt 100-H.P., 460 VAC, 1.15 SF, 155° C electric fire pump, and automatic fire pump controller, currently feed on the building service, MDP panel lugs, not a separately derived, directly from PSE&G pad-mounted transformer. Capable of delivering 1,500-GPM @ 175 PSIG, providing substantial volume for the OSFR sprinklers. Quite a common system in this region physically appears in very good working order. Inclusive of the approximately 12” schedule # 40 underground dedicated fire service flanked by (2)-two very large, elevated, municipal water supply tanks. Current yearly required NFPA and Insurance required recertification for 2021, by Cintas Corporation.
Note, Factory Mutual, and Hartford Standard is currently suggesting optional technics to assure worst-case scenarios protection by creating a radial feed balance loop fire suppression system, primarily in large warehouse facilities. By balancing the hydraulic pressure in the manifold assuring constant volume of water in the event of multiple sprinkler discharges. In addition, the recommendation is to add fire sprinkler coverage heads above truck loading dock doors. To protect the building in the event of a fire occurring in a docked truck, trailer, or trash dumpster. This is all relevant if it helps to significantly reduce FROE.
Life Safety:
Fire Alarm life safety system, non-ADA ANSI current code compliant, with very limited space smoke detectors, pull stations, horn strobes. The system appears to be a combination Burglary-Fire Alarm System with central station UL monitoring communications currently active. No HVAC duct, AH, RTU, or few ceiling-mounted smoke detectors are present, no annunciator panel display panel is located in the main lobby entrance. Silent Knight Fire – Honeywell Burg-Fire panel. No interface was noted to release all of the access control locks in the event of a fire. Hartford, Factory Mutual, IBC existing commercial code, NFPA 13a structural classified as 2-E unprotected structure. Inspection Tags were dated 2021
Site Location:
Formerly West Rock, LLC Retail Marketing Displays for Cleaning and Patent Medicines Products
Originally Design-Built-To-Suite approximately 1979 for Warner Communication Company, Inc.
Current Owner:
Crossings Industrial Owner LLC (REIT) 12/30/2020
(Formerly Whitesell Construction Portfolio)
Date of Construction:
Circa Approximate 1980, BOMA 99,700 footprint
Design-Build Original Space = 95,100 sq. ft.
Structural Area Total:
15,300 Office, 79,800 Warehouse, 95,100 sq. ft. Structural-Steel Masonry,
Wet Sprinkled
Property Site:
Approximate land 13.19 Acres or 580,360 + Sq. Ft., NJ UCC Zoned (IP)-Industrial Park.
Parking Spaces:
(152)-Approximate allocated vehicle marked spaces, (199)-possibly available.
Truck Trailer Spaces:
Tractor-Trailer Truck; (15) (Typical Dock Door 8’ W x 10’-1” H x 1.2”
Common, Insulated, Manual, White OHD)
Drive-In Truck Doors Drive-In Door: (1) 12” W x 14’ H x 2” Insulated 7-Section, Manual lift OHD Concrete Ramp 41’ L x 15’-3” W
Loading Docks;
(10) 10-Ton (4) 20-ton Dock Levelers,
(No-Trailer Dock-Signal Lights or Immobilize -Locks),
Weather Seals, Rigid shallow Old Tire Bumpers. (1) Door Dock for Dumpster Refuse
Current Agent / Contact;
Fischer Real Estate Pittsburgh, PA, Chris White, SIOR 412-600-9270
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Evaluation Requested by;
Evaluation Prepared for;
Type of Acquisition:
Long Term Lease Space Due Diligence
Parcel: ID:
3636608 MUN: 0313 – Burlington County – Marlton – Evesham Township, NJ
Public Utilities:
Municipal public potable water 2” copper, Municipal Fire Service 12” steel, Municipal public sewage 6” ductile, PSE&G 27.5-kv 3 Ø Primary Pad Mount Secondary (GS) 800-Amp 3-Ø 4-w 480 VAC, PSE&G Natural Gas high-pressure service, the reducing station, and metering outside of the building. Verizon, Comcast, FiOS OFC are available at the lawn access hole. Site Storm-water surface runoff, on-site, to the entire and adjacent Lincoln Drive. The corner of the site has a fallow wooded area. The total land parcel is 13.19-acre property. The adjacent property is currently draining storm-water runoff, into 5000 Lincoln Drive property’s run-off area. The water isn’t, the core issue, as much as what is possibly washing off with it, onto your site, environmentally, is what matters.
Overall Site Condition: Good +/-, based upon local comparable, with typical use-occupancy, and approximately 40-years. Property general condition and curb appeal are fair/good. Site landscaping is currently maintained. Site surface storm-water runoff conditions have created some surface erosion issues, elevating the original shallow grading swales. While inadvertently rerouting storm-water runoff partially against the exterior CMU wall. Presently creating minor erosion damages to the white fluted (porous split face block) CMU block system, and poorly maintained asphalt paved surfaces. Flagpole, base cover, and top of the foundation were exposed, checked for excessive corrosion, wear, and aluminum oxide.
Combination vehicle parking, 80k tractor-trailer truck entrance to the loading dock area. The lot paving is in poor to fair condition. Curbing is sprawling in several locations, with no storm-water interceptors, front roof drains piping discharges directly on paved grade. ADA Depressed curb with warning treads is not present. The fire department’s building sprinkler system primary Siamese hose connection points are quite unusual, possibly requiring an update. An abandon-in-place pipe connection obstructs the required 100% unobstructed access.
Current environmental, building, health, and energy code compliance-enforcement of new, existing, 40+% in alterations, or any changes in use, and/or occupancy, of any commercial, industrial, institutional property. To comply with current building codes, life safety regulations, and zoning ordinances. Enforcing those established current minimal code(s) compliance standard requirements. Resides solely with local, state, federal governmental authorities. The zoning officer, code enforcement officer, building official, fire marshal, having local jurisdictional code enforcement authority, NJ state. Federal CFR / OSHA compliance enforcement is regardless of any occupancy status.
Insurance carrier (agent of record) may require (FM) Factory Mutual, Hartford Insurance Standards or other risk management, benchmark coverage mandated conformance requirements; combined with occupant best practices and good standards. To possibly gain finical benefit from a good to excellent insurance risk rating factor. Helping to reduce both the property owner and lease space occupant reoccurring operational expenses.
General Building: Note; There are (14) Truck Loading Dock Levelers and one-(1) ramp and drive-in door.
Dock 1 has no leveler, trailer weather seals, or trailer bumpers, it is designed to accommodate a typical 30-yard trash compactor, complete with a concrete apron.
Docks 2, 3, 4, 5, were replaced with an estimated 40,000 lbs., / 20-ton motorized units. Docks 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, are equipped with what appears to be the original 20,000 lbs. / 10-ton manual doc levelers, in various conditions. The dock levelers, trailer bumper have sustained various end-of-life cycle wear-tear and repeated structural distorting deck plate overload. The exterior CMU block, the reinforced concrete foundation head-wall, the adjacent concrete floor has sustained cracks from repeated impact damages, stated as the current as-is condition.
The approximately 5” thick, 3,000 psi concrete floor approximately 25’ in from the loading docks 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 is extremely worn and has incurred significant structural failure damages. Requiring wet saw cutting, removal, and replacement of approximately, 25’ W x 105’ L x 6” D lineal feet of steel-reinforced concrete decking, with 5,000 PSI blended aggregate, doweled into existing concrete decking.
Preamble Note:
Field Evaluation Report, is based solely upon current “AS IS” prima fascia, conditions, the current building general conditions, ADA, electrical, life safety/fire, energy, OSHA CFR-1926, general risk exposures, governing codes, and building regulations; previous use and occupancies of the property. New Jersey NJ-DEPA
Limited General SOW;
No evasive or Non-evasive Soils test boring’s, Laboratory Samples, GPR, X-Ray, Thermographic, Megging, Pressure, Smoke, Leakage, IEAQ, Radon, Radiation, or Hydraulic testing. No destructive probe testing of any kind was ordered or considered required at the time of this property evaluation, by the proposed occupant, or the current property owner and or its agents.
With use and occupancy general understanding, based upon verifiable property occupancy by owner’s records care, custody, and control factors, known use/occupancy history. The current occupant has not been the only occupant, since original site development completion, on or about circa 1980 (county tax records show 1978). When the township, county, and NJ state certificates of occupancy were originally issued.
It is always recommended as per best practices and good standards to request a copy of the previous use/occupancy history and deed/use covenant restrictions. To avoid any possible ambiguities, delaying lawful property occupancy. When applying to the local authorities having legal jurisdiction, governing all lawful business use and occupancies of real property. In this particular case, the current (U&O) occupants are current exclusive occupants. (In this application both, long-term corporate occupants are known.)
There were no apparent, visible, or obvious insect or abnormal small rodent infestation, no major structural ambiguities, lead-based paint, visual friable asbestos, chemical spills, or the presents of PCBs. Possibly PSE&G’s original 1979 pad-mounted oil transformer.
Roof Warehouse Load: Warehouse Section, estimated roof average diversity deck load capacity including.
The 235’ W rear of the structure where it meets the elevated 81’ D area approximately +11’-5” higher than 235’ W x 201’ D lower open roof area creating excessive surplus snow/ice drifting accumulation factor.
(45) PPSF max snow loading.
(5)-five PPSF roofing and equipment allowance.
(5)-five PPSF collateral equipment hanging capacity average approximate load.
Roof Office Load; Office Section, estimated roof average diversity deck loading capacity including
Similar conditions exist at the point the two areas meet, with an approximate 9’ elevation difference. The roof wind and excessive surplus snow/ice drifting accumulation factor.
(45) PPSF max snow loading.
(5)-five PPSF roofing and equipment allowance. (11-HVAC 3-5 ton Split Systems)
(5)- five PPSF collateral equipment hanging capacity average approximate load.
Wind Loading;
Building lateral wind load design nominal 90-MPH, by-design roof wind uplift factor nominal 90-MPH. Designed as per governing 1977 BOCA code at that date of plan approval, before the IBC standards. Limited structural as-built design information provided as a general, limited informational guide only. (Lateral wind bracing is present)
Type of Structure:
Front general office(s) non-ANSI standard ADA compliant facility and restrooms (BOMA) Build Owner-Managers Association Constructed on or about 1977 BOCA / NFPA governing code Pre-IBC adoption. Building Official Codes Administration / National Fire Prevention Association / International Building Code
Warehouse Structural;
Concrete floor is 3,000 PSI mix, with an approximate average nominal thickness of 5” of the steel-reinforced aggregate deck. With a compacted engineered controlled fill and crushed rock sub-base based to achieve approximately 20,000 lbs. PSF of bearing capacity. The building consists of an engineered structural steel building with its typical (red iron) structural steel columns, OWBJ, and girders. With typical P-5 painted corrugated roof panning 22-gauge sheet metal on an average of 6’ on center.
The contiguous 1.22” R-8 (possibly Perlite typically containing formaldehyde) sheet insulation is installed over the decking, with a 4-ply hot asphalt roof originally. The upper vertical metal exterior siding system is installed. The lower 8” CMU white fluted block exterior walls are non-structural curtain walls. Attached to the main vertical, superstructure steel I-beam columns, via dura wall clips at approximately 24” on centers. The top of the CMU wall system is typically capped by an integral masonry and grouted rebar bond beam. The top of the typical 40’ nominal span is capped by a steel Perlin or structural steel C-Channel, attached by J-bolt anchors to fasten the base of the vertical sheet mental Kynar 500 finished building envelope corrugated panels. That currently needs the rust, cracks addressed and surface to be refinished.
The average reinforced concrete slab, on grade, is in good general condition, except for the following areas. At approximately 12-locations that have exhibited elevation differential greater than a ¼” require grinding, at slab control joint saw cut. Requiring post sealing with backer rod and/or elastic polyester masonry caulk to create a soft joint. Some requiring high-strength 5,000 psi self-leveling epoxy grout.
8” CMU split face (fluted) white wall system leaks, consideration should be given to pressure washing, and treat the system with a Solixsain. See water stains on the exterior walls.
The steel fire doors are in good to poor working condition. Several damaged steel jambs from excessive rock salt and highly corrosive chemical deicers. Some were damaged by high traffic and poor electric lock hardware location. Some buy just failure to maintain and service. Some of the door hardware throughout the entire structure meets current ADA ANSI accessibility code compliance standards.
The 18-lower level and 7-upper-level roof, being approximate, 4’ W x 8’ L insulated translucent day lighting skylights in fairly good condition. The One-(1) low wall-mounted 24” exhaust fan located on the fenced-in side yard wall was operating at the time of the field evaluation review. Lower roof area 3-three Domex exhaust fans, (5-HP Working), (3-HP Drive Belt Slipping), (3-HP Not Working). Two-(2)-2,200,000 BTU rated High-Pressure Natural Gas, Direct Fired, 7.5 HP Heaters recently replaced in working order. Upper roof area (3)-three Domex 36” 3-HP (All with Back Draft Dampers No Fire Dampers) were not operating.
Office Fenestration:
Main office lobby entrance vestibule, exterior extruded aluminum architectural bronze finished, lite duty commercial entrance doors, consisting of two-(2)-sets of approximately two-(2)-3-0 x 6-8 single pane, creating a door chamber, uninsulated, narrow fame/kicker glass storefront type doors. The concrete entrance apron elevation does allow for wheelchair accessibility but does not meet current ADA un-assisted access requirements. The sidewalks require replacement or cut and patch with epoxy cement.
The doors and their associated hardware predate current ADA ANSI reasonable accommodations. The door bottom kickers do not meet current code requirements. Power operators on at least one of each of the egress doors, exiting to and from the complete reasonable ADA accessibility. The warehouse area access points to a single interior office secured access door, approximately 3-0 x 6-8 single steel door with similar architectural obstacles and creating the same general conditions.
All of the existing office perimeter area windows are contiguous, set high, approximately 48” x 36” some with (2)-two, insulated glass sliding casements, set in thermally unbroken, extruded anodized aluminum architectural bronze frames. Are in generally fair condition, based on approximately, 40-years of exposure, since 1980, to the NE weather elements. Some of the backer rodding and caulking, around the window casement frames, are failed or missing. The exterior membrane sheeting is utilized as a vapor barrier at the perimeter installed between the earth berms. and poured in place concrete vapor barrier had nearly completely (failed) rotted away.
Office Interior Elements:
The previously highly inefficient exterior HPS, HID area lighting, and interior T-5 and T-8 ballasted fluorescent lighting should be replaced, 60% more efficient, 95% lower maintenance, 100% reduced environmental waste stream, 60% reduced reoccurring energy costs, improved light rendering, smart daylight harvesting, lead, and mercury-free lighting systems. Exit and emergency lighting, inclusive of the remote exterior heads, do not meet new life safety lumen light levels and 90-minute minim run time requirements. Or meet the current NJ energy code adoption of ASHRAE 90-1-2015-19 DOE, use, and new commercial occupancy code requirement.
The interior office partition office walls consist of 5/8” drywall covered with wallpaper. Providing limited fire protection. Most of the doors and jambs are labeled fire-rated assemblies. The partition wall is limited to 30-minute fire-rated assemblies, most door hardware is not ADA compliant. The office area carpeting is at the end of its useful life cycle, and may not meet the currently reduced flame and smoke contribution requirements
HVAC Office:
Currently there are (11)-eleven split system HVAC systems, from 3 to 5-ton capacity with a total combined nominal capacity of approximately 49-tons of cooling. Several air handlers have hot water reheat coils. Each in various conditions, age, operational efficiency, and refrigerants. All operating independently from each other with no common control point or adequate fresh air intakes or exhaust capabilities. Recommend at a minimum, UVC air sterilizer be installed and provide better germicidal pathogen transmission control. While considering installing several high-efficiency RTU package machines, with high-efficiency hot water reheat coils, to provide fixed reliable tempered fresh air changes.
The office space is heated by an extremely efficient PSE&G natural gas-fired, central heating plant, condensing high-efficiency Weil-McLain Slim-Fit Model # SF1000 1,000,000~166,700 BTU Series 2, Serial # CP7667029 (2015) modulating, hot water boiler. Operating at a maximum pressure of 14.0 inches water column pressure of Natural Gas.
The office area is primarily heated by the perimeter wall mounted radiant baseboard
The system is zoned by mechanical self-powered thermostatic zone valves. Small leaks were noted, recommend filling the system with DOW-GUARD-30 corrosion and freeze protectant.
The approximately 40-year-old associated appurtenances, coils, piping, valves, are currently in questionable operational condition. The Grundfos smart circulation pump in the boiler room was recently replaced.
Warehouse Heaters:
The original hydronic hot water heating system consisting of 26-fan coil units, and its associated piping, abandoned in place, was replaced by the following system.
Currently (2)-two 2,200,000 BTU, @ 14-Inches W.C. Cambridge Engineering, Inc., Non-Recirculating 100% Outside Air, Direct Natural Gas-Fired Industrial Air Heaters ANS Z83.4-CSA3.7-2015 Model # S2200 Serial # 180718F0397 Rooftop Packaged Unit, High Static Pressure 7.5 H.P. @ 10,196 CFM Fan with High-Velocity Discharge Nozzle Kits. 460-3Ø. Each system is equipped with a keyed, all-season solid-state control cabinet.
There are currently (6)-six rooftop Domex exhaust fans in various operational conditions, recommend having all equipment thoroughly cleaned and serviced. Recommend considering a BAS/BMS to automate and centrally control ALL the many various HVAC, Ventilation, Mechanical, Life Safety, IAQ-IEQ, and Lighting Systems.
Warehouse HVAC:
The Shipping office is equipped with a P-Tac through the wall terminal air conditioning unit. Requires thorough sanitizing and cleaning. Recommend a UVC air sterilizer be installed and provide better germicidal control.
Ventilation: All of the restroom exhaust fan ventilation, some are not currently functional, or vented through to the Exterior of the Structure as Required by ALL Current Building and Health Codes. Three -(3) Penn Ventilator 12” Roof Top Domex Type Exhaust Fans
Four-(4) Low Profile Exhaust Fans Currently Not Functioning, Requiring Resizing Replacement and Makeup Air to Function Correctly. Recommend considering installing UVC air sterilizer units to provide better germicidal control. All Associated Ductwork, Registers/Grills Require Thorough Cleaning and Servicing. Consider chlorine dioxide to decontaminate the entire office area due to the fact there have virtually no fresh air change capabilities in the current ventilation system.
Plumbing Systems:
The entire property is currently connected to a 2” 50-PSIG potable public water service. A double-check, back-flow preventer, was installed. As well as a Back-flow check valve device fire service, requiring yearly tests and recertification, a certification tag was present, both located in the meter pit The water closet and plumbing fixtures are currently functional. Bradford-White 80-USG storage electric water heater recently replaced. Sanitary; This Is currently connected via a, 6” ductile iron pipe to the Evesham Township Public Water and Sewer Authority. Note the 2” copper water service gate valve in the sprinkler electrical room at the floor is frozen and inoperable.
ADA / Water fountains;
Currently ONE-(1) ADA compliant water fountain does exist in the office, outside the restrooms. All restrooms as currently architecturally configured are not current ADA ANSI standard compliant. To meet the current ADA ANSI minimum compliance standard, modifications shall be needed to automate the lighting, adding automatic flush valves, and sink elevation of 35” and automatic faucets, soap dispensers, paper towel/ hand driers, tilt mirrors, removal of the cabinet obstructing doorway, and one set of power-assisted door operator.
Indoor air quality:
(IAQ) Was not formally addressed, the current office area HVAC systems are inadequate. Inherently lacking the ability, to actually introduce fresh air to meet 30+year-old ASHRAE 62.1 minimum filtered air change standard. As well as air balancing, be addressed to accommodate your worker compensation insurance covenants, U & O. (Use and Occupancy Current Classification)
Fire Protection Life Safety:
Based upon the local building official enforcement authority having jurisdiction decision. The structure is not currently equipped with, a working limited current life safety code compliant, advanced warning, UL listed addressable, fire alarm system. Meeting current ADA and life safety codes, compliance requirements. Manual pull stations and ADA horn strobes at each point of egress and throughout to deliver adequate audiovisual notification throughout a facility. Ceiling mounted smoke/heat detectors, HVAC unit return duct detectors, with remote reset/test panel each. Beams or smoke detectors throughout warehouse area fire sprinkled or not. KNOX Boxes at Gate and Main Entrance located near the fire alarm system annunciator panel. Monitored 24/7 by a UL listed service. Based upon the local building official enforcement authority having jurisdiction decision.
Burglary/fire alarm systems doors were open, and equipment was working. NJ UCC / Fire Marshall’s office, as do most commercial fire insurance carriers, currently requires advanced warning fire detection and U.L. central station systems monitoring via 2-two-different signal transport methods. The yearly inspection tags are current.
A few ABC fire extinguishers are strategically located as per the Fire Marshall’s directives. Currently require extinguishers at all egress doors. Existing portable fire extinguishers are current for the year 2020-21.
Warehouse Electrical Service:
MDP 800-Amp 480/277 3 Ø 4-W VAC electrical distribution panel with no main disconnect, and six-(6) sub-mains. Approximately thirteen-(13) Panel-board’s step down transformer to provide 208/120 3-Ø 4-W VAC secondary located throughout the building most with very little connected load, some turned off, in very good condition. Should be opened by an FM, engineer, or qualified commercial industrial electricians and reviewed in detail. Currently, OSHA CFR-29-1926 and the NEC / NFPA-70, 70E, the 70S require GFIC outlets or protected circuits at power outlets used for hand tools indoor, rooftop HVAC equipment service outlets, and all outside power outlets. RTU requires service lighting at equipment and roof hatch doors. A building electrical service, of 400-amps or grater, requires Arc-Fault, Arc-Flash, Arc-Blast testing/labeling, 4’ to 8’ barrier, and labeled zone warning, lock-out tag-out kits permanently available. Recommend considering thermography scan of all electrical distribution.
Electrical Office Area:
(2) Sub Panels, Wall switch elevations do not meet the current ADA code requirement of 48” AFF elevation to the centerline, or greater than 30” of unobstructed access from the corner of a wall to a switch device. The current energy code requires an occupancy sensor for daylight harvesting instead of light switches. Exit emergency lighting units do not meet current code illumination, dual remote light egress heads, providing no less than 1 LUX PSF, or run-time requirements of 90-minutes. The majority, of the remote exterior emergency light heads, are either internally damaged and/or require replacement with dual-head LED units. Typically, the Fire Marshall and building official shall enforce this life safety code section requirement. This applies to the warehouse area as well. Usually automatically triggered, if any, change in ownership, renovations, or if a new certificate of lawful occupancy is requested, or before it is issued.
General office space light fixtures are old modified 2×2 and 2×4 lay-in fluorescent lamped, ballasted from (4)-lamp T-12 to (2)-two T-8 wattage reduction conversion, resulting in significantly reducing the lumens light level output. (Such as the case here)
Consideration should be given to considering replacement of the current significantly lower maintenance, waste stream reduction, lower wattage, higher visual acuity, lead, and mercury-free, Co2 footprint reduction, high efficiency, (FROE) cost-saving, solid-state LED lighting system. At the same time take advantage of D179 accelerated depreciation. Thusly, dramatically, and efficiently increasing light levels throughout.
The current energy code requires occupancy sensors on partial hallway lighting, all office, and restrooms. The electrical work based on visual inspection of the installation appears to meet the 1996 National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, at the approximate time of the renovations. (Some vacancy sensors do currently exist)
There are electrical items that require basic safety action. Currently, OSHA CFR-29-1926 and the NEC / NFPA-70E require GFIC outlets or protected circuits at power outlets used for hand tools indoor, rooftop HVAC equipment service outlets, and all outside power outlets. Open junction boxes, conduits, exposed wiring need to be removed, caped, labeled, and or repaired.
Lightning Protection:
No central power surge protection, building earthing is at unity, code minimum, and utility service requirements.
Currently, Verizon has active underground copper facilities available in the structure. Entering the office area structure, in a common area hallway closet. Comcast coax cable broadband services are present from the underground service are currently installed to the structure, from the electrical sprinkler room to the office data-comm room. Existing premises network wiring of voice and data is current cat #5e. 40-years of various abandoned in place electronics, security systems, various communications systems cabling needs to be removed as per NEC / NFPA 70.
Global Site Condition:
Property curb appeal is good grounds landscaping is good. Asphalt paving is in poor to bad condition. Parking lot space stripping is in poor condition. Public access is good. Concrete flat work, sidewalk, curb, need work, and aprons are currently in a good, general safe condition. EPA NPDES 2000-10 storm-water runoff compliance is currently unknown.
The site topography in general is fairly well situated. Storm-water run-off drains to a park stormwater drainage system. Parking is adequate for the planned use and occupancy. Ambient property visibility is good. The county roads and state highways are marked and well maintained.
The site surface area break out is as follows:
574,556 SF Total Area 100%
133,900 SF Impervious Surfaces 23%
99,704 SF Building
17% 282’ x 282’ = 79,524 + 151’ x 101’ = 15,251 = 94,775 SF
340,952 SF Green or Fallow 60%
Approx. Tax Accessed Value 3,800,000.00
Estimated Current Mark to Market 7,000,000.00
Estimated Replacement Value 12,000,000.00
County municipal records currently indicate a 48% improved site.
The site, in general, could justify some Architectural Site Landscaping, Site Lighting, Pressure Washing of Masonry, Painting, Fence Repair, Electric Gate, Tree Work, and Hardscaping, Paving, Traffic / Safety Signs, Striping, and Concrete Curb and Walkway Replacement.
Items that Future Budgetary Cost Consideration Should be Given. Based upon current needs assessment, the current building, life safety codes/ordnances, insurance coverage risk management requirements. Triggered by a change of ownership and or use, occupancy, or zoning. The following are examples of current needs, not limited to other additional elective actions and your specific user requirements.
Requested Estimated Capitalized Budgetary Cost Projections:
- HVAC Office Removal of the majority of old split systems and installation of a minimum of three-(3) 17.5-ton DYKEN Rooftop Package Units (RTU) with Full Economizers, 4” Media, MERV-15 Air Filters, GPS bi-polar particulate ionization, UVC-280nm Germicidal LED Air Disinfection, BACnet BMS Interfaces, and Power Return Fan, Exhaust, VFD drive controller, Modulating HGBP, Hot Water Re-Heat Coils, High 14” matched Roof Curb. To create a high-efficiency, constant destratification, healthy IAQ – IEQ, low humidity control comfort system That shall additionally provide the required ventilation, the current systems have no ability, to provide constant fresh air changes. The current systems, as currently, configuration do not comply with the minimum ASHRAE 62.1 or building code standards. It just blows the same air around, heating or cooling the bacterial, pathogens, Co, and Co2 similar to the mouth of a Komodo Dragon.
- Recommendations, remove and replace existing approximately 50-tons of HVAC systems with Three-(3) DYKEN 17.5-ton RTU with a full economizer, modulating fresh air exchange, Co2 and CO level control, smoke detectors, MERV 15 filters, UVC-280 nm LED air sterilization technologies, GPS bi-polar particulate ionization, 300,000 BTU hot water heating coil, connected to the existing 1,000,000 BTU high-efficiency modulating hydronic boiler Dow Guard-30 filled loop, w/emergency electric re-heat. Space sensors and the capability to interface to a BACnet BAS/BMS. 15,300 sq. ft. office x 15’ H maximum occupancy approximately 140-people. Inclusive of electrical, ductwork, structural, and roof modification. Less replacement of the drop ceiling grid and tile replacements.
@ $5,200.00 Ton x 52.5 tons $273,000.00
Roofing System Reference Table:
The suggested single-ply membrane roofing media system options for a quality investment grade, factory warranted installation only, that we would recommend. As manufactured by Carlyle, Firestone, GAF, Versico:
Current Single-Ply Membrane Roofing System Table
- .045 Gauge Black (Not Recommended) 10-Year Rated TPO or EPDM
- .060 Gauge White, Sand, Sky Blue 15-Year Rated TPO or EPDM
- .090 Gauge White, Sand, Sky Blue 25-Year Rated TPO or EPDM Poly Reinforced puncture resistant.
- .090 Gauge White, Sand, Sky Blue 30-Year Rated Poly Reinforced TPO or EPDM puncture resistant.
- 111 Gauge White, Sand, Sky Blue 35 Year Rated Poly Reinforced TPO
3. Roofing Office, remove all existing .045-gauge black EPDM and the hot asphalt and insulation board, down to steel roof decking and CMU parapet walls. Remove and install new riglet / flashing along inside warehouse wall. Install WR Grace vapor barrier over the entire area. Insulation, R-36 minimal IBC commercial in 2-two opposing layers of Kingspan High Performance 1.25” Quad-Core, provide Rhino-Board at HVAC Units and tapered cricket corners. Replace all stop-flashing, PT Wood Nailers, 4- Roof Drains 8” copper scupper buckets, 6” Downspouts. Provide and install as per manufacturers’ high-performance standards, a min of the 20-Year full warranty, Carlisle or GAF polyester-reinforced puncture-resistant, fully adhered, White, thermo-fused seams TPO, at a minimum of an, .060 gauge, designed for 105 MPH lateral wind load.
@ $19.00 □’ x Roofing Area 15,900 sq, ft. $302,100.00
4. Roofing Warehouse, remove all existing .045-gauge black EPDM and hot asphalt and insulation board, down to steel roof decking and CMU parapet walls. Remove and install new riglet / flashing along inside warehouse wall. Install WR Grace vapor barrier over the entire area. Insulation, R-36 minimal IBC commercial in 2-two opposing layers of Kingspan High Performance 1.25” Quad-Core, provide Rhino-Board at HVAC Units and tapered cricket corners. Replace all stop-flashing, PT Wood Nailers, 10- Roof Drains 8” copper scupper buckets, 6” Downspouts. Provide and install as per manufacturers’ high-performance standards, a min of the 20-Year full warranty, Carlisle or GAF polyester-reinforced puncture-resistant, fully adhered, White, thermo-fused seams TPO, at a minimum of an, .060 gauge, designed for 105 MPH lateral wind load.
Lower section docks 29’ H 201’ D x 283’ W 56,883 sq. ft.,
pitched towards the docks 1’-6” in approximately 201’
Upper section rear 40’ H 81’ D x 283’ W 22,923 sq. ft.,
pitch towards the rear lawn 6” in approximately 81’
@ $19.00 □’ x Roofing Area 79,806 sq, ft. $1,516,314.00
5. CMU Exterior Masonry & Vertical Metal Siding Restoration
The building envelope systems consist of 8’ High x 8” CMU ASTM C90 block and 8” thick, (Flued) soft-split face white CMU block. Those lite weight hollow cell blocks contain thermal cell foam inserts. The upper section fascia of the exterior perimeter wall, on the warehouse area, light green KYNAR-500 corrugated 12’ vertical steel siding. With R-13 fire-rated fiberglass batting over the lightweight steel supporting clipped sub-structure system.
General offices are lower building envelope systems primarily consist of an approximately 15’ high, 8” thick, poured in place reinforced concrete The upper exposed areas 5’ tall, light green KYNAR-500 corrugated 12’ vertical metal siding Gable. The wall system is insulated internally with conventional formaldehyde-treated, R-13 paper-faced, fiberglass batting insulation. Typically, little consideration for an adequate vapor barrier. Field evaluation revealed these systems have not been properly maintained for a considerable amount of time. The following is recommended to protect that critical building component.
- Warehouse building structure.
- 8” CMU ASTM C90, Original, Vertical thermal expansion/structural relief control joints presently are hard grouted masonry.
- The front concrete wall, at loading docks, sustained numerous, Impact damages, to both the walls and the concrete deck.
Cause and effect, loading dock truck/trailer shallow rigid 4” D x 12” x 12” old horizontal stack tire dock bumper system inadequate, requiring a minimum of 8” D vehicle impact bumpers keeping the trailer away from the building, preventing impact damages, before any repairs are attempted.
- 8” soft-split face White CMU porous water/weather damaged block.
Silane/siloxane blend with acrylic elastomers water-resistance treatment
764 LF x 8’ = 4,200 sq. ft. x 5.00 SF $ 21,000.00
- CMU 8” ASTM C90 block wall joint pointing, and repair of block wall impact damage Loading Docks.
- 283 LF x 12’ = 3,396 sq. ft. x 15.00 SF $ 50,940.00
- CMU 8” ASTM C90 Block and 8” soft-split face, white CMU block vertical control joints.
Cut out the grout, caulk, and replace them with a rodded and two-part polyester color pigmented UV resistant
flexible caulked of 70-soft joints. Remove and replace failed caulk joints at through-wall AC unit Door Jambs, and
other small penetrations. 1,490 LF x 20.00 PLF $ 29,800.00
- Office administration structure.
1. Cut out the grout, caulk, and replace them with a rodded and two-part polyester
color pigmented UV resistant, flexible caulking of 70-soft joints. Remove and
replace failed caulk joints at, windows, doors, and other small penetrations.
1,830 LF x 10.00 PLF $ 18,300.00
- Office administration structure soffit-gable.
Option 1.
The architectural green vertical steel siding façade. Remove and replace siding with a Kingston High-Performance Fire Rated Insulated commercial architectural metal panel system. Remove and replace trim drip-edge return flashings. Architectural Grade Materials. 353 LF x 5’ = 1,765 SF x $ 29.58 $ 52,208.70
Option 2.
Lite wet blasting of existing vertical material, remove failed paint over DuPont KYNAR 500, dirt, trapped debris, and pressure wash area clean. Prime and repaint with metal siding UV-resistant semi-gloss enamel paint. (5-Year Average)
353 LF x 5’ = 1,765 SF x $ 6.58 $ 11,613.70
- Site Work
- Paving Asphalt Cutting, Truck Traffic Base ESEL Re-Paving, Parking Strip 72,653 s/CF Area 1.5” Pave $ 295,346.09
2. Concrete work flat, curbing and ADA curb cut remove and replace $ 7,985.87
3. Landscaping improvements, lawn sprinkler maintenance. $ 6,980.00
4. Fence, Gate-Repairs, Exterior Items Painting-Marking, Traffic Signs-Marking.
$ 10,850.00
Secondary KPI Budgetary Cost Consideration Issues
- Concrete floor, failure at loading docks # 11, 12, 13,14, 15 an approximately area 25’ W x 105’ L = 2,625 SF
Requiring wet saw-cutting of steel-reinforced allegedly 5” thick 3,000 PSI concrete deck. 5” x 260 LF
Removal, transportation, and disposal of all excavated materials. 25’ W x 105’ L = 2,625 SF x 5”= 40.509 CY
Adding #2 crush stone, and compaction of sub-soils, Dowling into the existing deck. With 2 layers of
4” x 4”x # 9-gauge steel-reinforced matting, concrete with, approximately 6” of blended aggregate
low-water high-strength, 5,000 PSI concrete. Cured and polished finish.
2,625 SF x 6”= 48.611 CY
2,700 SF x 6” = 50.555 cubic yard sub-base. $39.00 sq. ft. x 2,625 SF = $ 98,475.00
- Concrete floor, epoxy concrete large cracks, grinding uneven elevations greater than
- 3/8” approximately 200’ $ 10,785.00
- Industrial Hygiene, Chlorine Dioxide disinfection office carpets, ceiling tiles, insulation, ductwork. 235,500 CF $ 10,850.00
- Fire Alarm Life Safety system smoke detectors, duct detectors, addressable zones,
- annunciation panel office
lobby facing glass doors, and at common warehouse entrance door for entire structure LSC required updates. $ 35,850.00
f. Exit and Emergency Lighting Remove-Replace w/ Current 90-minute dual remote head LSC requirements. $ 13,850.00
g. ADA, one set of current compliant restrooms.
(Currently, None Meet FCR/ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003-09) $ 25,000.00
i. Electrical, OSHA/Code Upgrades, Maintenance, GFIC Outlets-Breakers,
Arc-Fault Testing Cert. $ 9,895.00
j. Doors personnel, hardware, remove-replace-service w/ hood. Singles, Double, Jambs 14-Gage (4) x @ $3,900 $ 24,950.00
k. OHD-Sectionals, Insulated, loading Dock Impact Rated, w/ OSHA safety operators (6)- 8’ x 10-1” x 1.5” $ 35,000.00
l. Provide & Install (14) OSHA Trailer Signaling and Motorized Dok-Loc Vehicle Restraint Pit-Bull (14) x @ 6,900.00 $ 96,600.00
m. Provide and Install Loading Dock Trailer Work Lights 42” LED 120 VAC (8)-Units x @ 1,685.00 $ 13,480.00
n. Protective electrical equipment 4” Schedule #40 Reinforced Concrete Filled Painted Reflective Bollards $ 5,800.00
o. Loading Docks, Replace (14)-Dock Seals, Trailer Dock Shock Bumpers, Reflective Safety Paint Dock Levelers $ 24,985.00
p. Remove and Replace (10) of (14) total truck loading dock levelers w/ 40,000 Lb. motorized unit 10 x @ 9,500.00 $ 95,000.00
q. ASHRAE 90-1-2019-21 Lead and Mercury Free Lighting Remove All Florescent Fixtures Replace with High Efficiency LED
reduce Co2 footprint, energy consumption. remove and replace all general lighting throughout.
T-8 2 x 2 2-Lamp (22) T-8 2×4 2-Lamp = (83) T-5 HO HB Box 4 Lamp = (77) LED Flood Flagpole (2) T-8 4-Lamp Tandems (6)
400-HPS Wall Pack = (12) 400-W Flood = (1) Missing Lights above Doors =
(4) Total Units = 207 x $495.00 $ 101,430.00
r. Commercial Carpeting Remove and Replace approximately 12,000 sq. ft. =
4,000 sq. yds. X @ 20.00 yard. $ 80,000.00
s. Strong Consideration should be given to considering a Honeywell Tridium
BAS-BMS system $ 35,000.00
t. Painting general allowance. $ 35,850.00
u. HVAC, heating cooling systems warehouse, exhaust, ventilation system heavy
maintenance needs. $ 25,000.00
v. Plumbing sinks, water closet, ADA devices piping heavy maintenance $ 8,500.00
w. Restroom repairs, replace exhaust fans, vent outside and refresh. 6) x 1,950.00 $ 11,700.00
x. Network Premises Wiring, CCTV, Access Control Programming, Facility Harding. $ 89,000.00
y. Associated General Municipal Authority Fee’s, Permits Related Costs. $ 12,850.00
z. Architectural & Engineering, Site Document Requirements $ 8,900.00
aa. Project Engineering, Construction Management & Site Supervision Turnkey $ 49,000.00
bb. Demo, Refuse Removal Dumpsters, Construction Clean-Up. $ 25,750.00
cc. Construction Contingency Budgetary Allowance / Sprinklers $ 50,000.00
Noticed one particular issue with that structure the original roofing system was a heavy asphalt roof system with compressed fiberboard nominal 1”, R-8 insulation. Which is currently covered by the 2nd roofing system a .045 gauge EPDM mechanically attached system. The property owner plans, to overlay an additional .065-gauge white TPO system creating the 3rd roof with an additional 1” of ISO R-7 insulation. Plus, the weight of all of the 26-abandoned in place hydronic heating units and associated system piping, plus abandon in place steel sprinkler mains.
The question is it appears most of the 5-PSF of collateral roof loading allowance structural design factor is very close. Factoring in diversity for snow, ice, water, and wind loading, plus surplus snow loading at the lower upper level. Would suggest they provide your company with protection, from any liability regarding possible weather-related roof superstructure failure. Another option to consider is the removal of all the abandoned in-place mechanical, sprinklers, and other associated piping. (Note, commercial heated building roof insulation IBC code requirements, previously R-26, currently, minimum of R-36 for this climate zone.)
Current Municipal School Board / County Property Records See Attached Document
Design Documents and 400 Detailed Pictures See Attached Documents
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